After party committee: The after party committee provides food for the after parties, ensures chaperones are present, and cleans up after the parties.
Communications/website/social media: This committee helps to “get the word out” about band functions and volunteer opportunities.
Eighth grade outreach: This committee ensures that rising freshman parents are welcomed and informed about the Boosters and requirements for their students for marching band. This committee also assists with 8th grade night during football season.
Fundraising committee: The fundraising committee comes up with ideas for fundraisers and assists with fundraising projects, such as spring flower sales, the car wash, online fundraisers, winter flowers, winter baked goods, spiritwear, and so forth.
Seniors committee: This committee organizes senior night for the band as well as senior recognition events later in the year (bandquet and/or senior night at the barn in the spring). This committee also assists with the slide show.
Spreads committee: The spreads committee works with the host families (assigned by elementary school) to plan the menus for the spreads, provide the supplies, serve the food, and clean up afterwards.
Third quarter refreshments committee: The third quarter committee coordinates and serves the snacks served to the students and the visiting band during the third quarter of the games.
Travel committee: This committee coordinates chaperones for away games and assists with planning any other travel.
Uniforms: This committee fits the kids for uniforms at the beginning of the season and then helps the kids get ready before the games. They also sell and keep track of the uniform items that the kids buy, such as the spats and gloves.